Thursday, October 02, 2008

With the recent economy crisis, people are wondering "how bad is it - reeeally?" Well seeing NYC first hand, I can say that the view out of my window (directly over Wall Street), is not pretty. Walking the streets -it's eerie... People every where - traffic is nuts... But it is QUIET. Too quiet for the "financial capital of the world".

But this story is not about Wall Street - it's about Main Street. Well, Main Street in the South Bronx.

I have business up there, and as my better half has seen firsthand, this area is not the financial capital - well, of anywhere.

I had parked my car on my usual side street in the South Bronx, just a block or so away from the intersection of East Tremont Avenue and Arthur Avenue. I get out of my car, and start walking around to my trunk. A friendly "hello" comes over my left shoulder...

I whip my head around to the left, and now a second hello is from my right. OK - I'm a sucker, who's screwin' with me.

It's some girl, I don't know her - just ignore her - she'll keep walking...

She says "May I speak to you for a minute mister?"

"OK - about what?" I half heartedly respond. Now mind you this is NOT the "best area" in the world. In my head - as I'm speaking to her - my eyes are scanning the block. This has GOT to be a setup. She's gonna chat me up and distract my attention... I'm getting jumped any second... This woman is NOT here looking for a new friend - or for polite conversation. But nobody is there. It's just us...

"I don't mean to bother you, but can you spare some change? I have to go to the store, and get milk for my baby...I'm a little short..."

Leaning into the trunk of my car, I say "I'm sorry darlin, I can't do that for you, not today". I aint feeding any junkies habit.

"I'm not askin for much, just anything you can spare - I HAAVE to get milk for my baby."

Okay, so now - I'm really paying attention to her. I'm not looking in my trunk (for my tire iron) and talking to her from the depths of my trunk (Worst case - Fort apache style, I hop into the trunk and pull it shut - pray I don't get shot thru the trunk lid).

There she is - an early twenties latina woman. Her baseball cap color perfectly matching her shirt color, faded jeans, and a pair of "kicks" (OK showing my age here). A fine looking young woman. She's standing on the curb. Her hands are clasped in front of her at her waist, looking right at me. "A little hottie" by most standards. She's not a junkie, she's not homeless, she's... she's actually a little scared of ME (I think)...

Now that I feel a little more at ease with the situation - I tell her again... "I'm sorry darlin' I can't do that.. I only got seven bucks on me, and the day is just starting."

"okay" and she takes a half step back and stops. She looks down at her feet, takes a quick breath, snaps a quick look up and locks me dead in the eyes...

"umm... and what would I have to do... for you to give me that seven dollars?"

I am stunned.

If the sentence alone, by itself, does not give you a hint as to what she MEANT by that statement, I can assure you that - seeing her eyes glass over - as she questioned not only me, but herself... what would SHE have to do to get those seven dollars...

I said "OK, lets go..." So we started walking, chatted about her kid, that he baby is hungry - I'm up there workin and don't have alot of time - she's just doin what she's gotta do, to get what her kid needs....her accent is thick - a little sexy too. We walk past a laundrymat - to our destination...

We get to the corner, and there is the building. An old front door, some spanish music playing on a radio from inside. The door is slightly open. Being the gentleman that I am, I hold the door open and let her walk inside... I follow her in.

She looks at me - not sure of what I'm going to do. I smile and walk to the back... I know what I'm doing here... I'm going to get some real gratification from this... I've been waiting a long, long time to feel human again - and this woman was going to let me do it - to her - for me...

...when I return from the back of the store... I have a quart of milk in my hand. I pay the two bucks - and leave the change on the counter. I slip a five under the quart, and begin to walk out...

She says "thank you mister..."

We exchanged one last glance - that one that says everything:

Thank you - you're welcome
take care - be well
...if I could... - know you can't...
I'm sorry - I'm sorry

"I gotta get this paperwork filed before my boss kicks my ass... You take care of that kid..."

"...I will... you KNOW - I - will..."

For someone I only met for a minute or two... I know .... SHE WILL.